Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My Jolly Imagination

I have a really lovely hacking cough. Not that I care particularly about any sort of illness unless it happens to involve vomiting. I have a certain scenario I play out in my head, actually, involving my being diagnosed with cancer and needing chemotherapy, and asking my mother to step out of the office for a moment so that I might speak with the doctor privately, and saying, "Look. Do you happen to know what emetophobia is?" And ending up having to explain how morbidly terrified I am of throwing up. I don't like to imagine the reaction I might get, because one doctor might say, "Let's see what we can do about that," or "You have options," while another might very well reply, "Well, it's either puke or die, kid."

I've always said I would rather die than vomit (and this is not confined to the possibility of chemotherapy), but who knows what my resolution might be if I were actually offered a choice?

It makes me think.

Too much.


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