Sunday, January 18, 2009

Snow and Hope and Other Things

It is snowing here in Rhode Island like there is no tomorrow. We are stuck inside together. Hopefully no bugs will be making the rounds any time soon (and although many emetophobes Knock Wood when they say things like this, I'm not superstitious at all and will say it freely: we have yet to be affected by any stomach bugs. This is unusual for my family, what with having four kids, two of whom are under thirteen and one of whom will always get the bug if it is going around the house).

Lately, I have been trying hard to convince myself that vomiting happens to many, many people and they deal and then it's over. I'm trying, I'm trying, I'm trying. And sometimes I think it's working. Sadly, though, every time I feel nauseous my good old phobic self kicks into gear. On the other hand, I find myself not panicking immediately every time I feel the faintest shadow of nausea, so that's great!

It's really too bad we'll have to stay off the roads today. Sunday is my only completely free day of the week. Oh well.

Hoping everyone, emetophobes and all, are well today. And to the United States readers, happy Martin Luther King day!



  1. Hiya Emily,

    I thought you could be interested in my site called Ofear - The Fear & Phobia Forum - which is dedicated to helping people with phobias. There is actually an emetophobia e-group on there which is being headed by our resident psychotherapist and Dr Mark Boscher who is conducting studies at the moment regarding the treatment of emetophobia. I hope the site can prove to be helpful to you.


  2. Hi there John,

    Thanks very much! I will definitely take a look.


  3. I try to convince myself the same thing too and in moment of bravery, I think I could handle it and it'd be "no big deal", but when I feel nauseous, I totally freak out and know I definitely would not be able to deal with it. It's frustrating, isn't it.
